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A working example of ViroVideo?

Does anyone have a simple working example of a <ViroVideo> withing a <ViroARImageMarker>? I can't seem to create a working example of this. I also asked a more detailed version of this question on StackOverflow here: <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/78971054/virovideo-for-viroreact-only-plays-audio-but-never-video> Any examples of <ViroVideo> within a <ViroARImageMarker> would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

App crashes when I use position attribute

As seen in the code below, I'm trying to draw a Polyline around the anchor but the app crashes when I use the position attribute but it works fine if I remove it <br /> <br /> ``` <ViroPolyline position={anchorFound.position} rotation={anchorFound.rotation} points={createOutlinePoints(anchorFound)} thickness={0.01} /// materials={['']} /> ```

Support for VisionOS

Is there a plan to support VisionOS?

Viro360Video with models inside

Hello, I have to develop a mobile app in which I show a 360 video and inside I have to place texts and objects. This I saw that is feasible but my problem lies in the fact that my video follows a trajectory (shooting of a 360 drone) and therefore the points of origin of the componet move together with the objects decentralizing the objects from the points on which they have to be. How can I proceed by not being able to work with geographical coordinates or having the ability to get the amount of movement from the beginning of the video to the frame of the x-instant.

this is an error i got and i can't fix it. i really need help

ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'setJSMaterials' of null, js engine: hermes ERROR Invariant Violation: "main" has not been registered. This can happen if: - Metro (the local dev server) is run from the wrong folder. Check if Metro is running, stop it and restart it in the current project. - A module failed to load due to an error and `AppRegistry.registerComponent` wasn't called., js engine: hermes

Can we test this in meta quest3?

Can we use this for developing apps for meta quest 3?

Support for development in Meta Quest

Hi we are developing an app for Meta Quest using viro. But our app launches and shows a black page. Nothing happens later

getting blank screen for IOS

Invalid returned hit test result for view in hierarchy: The returned hit test result is invalid and may cause issues as it is not in a window hierarchy: self: \<UIWindow: 0x108c29370>; hit-tested subview: \<UITransitionView: 0x108b1cbe0>; invalid returned view: \<VRTVRSceneNavigator: 0x108cd7b80>

Execution failed for JetifyTransform

when I run react-native run-android I have this error > Execution failed for task ':app:checkDebugAarMetadata'. > > Could not resolve all files for configuration ':app:debugRuntimeClasspath'. > Failed to transform viro_renderer-release.aar (project :viro_renderer) to match attributes {artifactType=android-aar-metadata}. > Execution failed for JetifyTransform: /home/User/Documents/Mobile/node_modules/@viro-community/react-viro/android/viro_renderer/viro_renderer-release.aar. > Failed to transform '/home/User/Documents/Mobile/node_modules/@viro-community/react-viro/android/viro_renderer/viro_renderer-release.aar' using Jetifier. Reason: IllegalArgumentException, message: Unsupported class file major version 61. (Run with --stacktrace for more details.)

how to go to from one scene to another scene

if I have ViroVrSceneNavigator and into that I have one intialscene but i want to add another scene and I can't go to that scene, so how to do that