Integrating with Expo Projects
Installation instructions
ViroReact does NOT work with Expo Go
You must use a development client or expo prebuild to run an application using ViroReact.
After installing the package, add the config plugin to the plugins
array of your app.json
or app.config.js
. Then rebuild your app as described in the "Adding custom native code" guide.
In your app.json plugins
"plugins": ["@reactvision/react-viro"]
Android Options
Using GVR, OVR_MOBILE, and/or AR on android
The default option is ["AR", "GVR"]
In order to change the XR mode on android, you can configure the plugin as follows:
Using one other option
"plugins": [
"android": {
xRMode: "GVR" // or "AR" or "OVR_MOBILE"
Using multiple options
"plugins": [
"android": {
xRMode: ["GVR", "AR", "OVR_MOBILE"]
You will also need to configure the android AppManifest.xml with some extra properties for this to work correctly.
1. Generate the android folder
expo prebuild --clean -p android --no-install
2. Modify AppManifest.xml
Add the code found under step 6 of the "For VR" step of the Install Android guide to your AppManifest.xml.
For VR
- If your app supports Cardboard or Daydream, you should add them as a category to the
in your activity:
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
<!-- Add the following line for cardboard -->
<category android:name="" />
<!-- Add the following line for daydream -->
<category android:name="" />
- To support GearVR, you need to add the following under the
<meta-data android:name="" android:value="vr_only"/>
For API level 30 or above
If you are targetting API Level 30 or above, make sure to add the following lines to the <manifest>
<package android:name="" />
iOS options
There are 4 InfoPlist strings that are required for applications using Viro. ViroReact provides app.config
level configuration for these InfoPlist strings and defaults for expo projects.
"plugins": [
"ios": {
"cameraUsagePermission": "$(PRODUCT_NAME) uses your camera for AR experiences. This is a custom InfoPlist string!",
"microphoneUsagePermission": "$(PRODUCT_NAME) uses your microphone for AR experiences. This is a custom InfoPlist string!",
"photosPermission": "$(PRODUCT_NAME) would like to read photos for AR experiences. This is a custom InfoPlist string!",
"savephotosPermission": "$(PRODUCT_NAME) would like to save photos to your library during AR experiences. This is a custom InfoPlist string!"
Running your expo app
expo run:ios
will generate the ios/ folder and will run pod install
in the project.
expo run:ios -d <device id | device name>
expo run:android
Updated 9 months ago