
The ViroARScene component allows developers to logically group their experiences and components and switch between them using the ViroARSceneNavigator.

This component also hosts various properties that enable developers to control and interact with the AR subsystem. Like displayPointCloud which configures the renderer to draw the AR point cloud. The onAnchorFound|Updated|Removed functions work in conjunction with ViroARPlane's manual anchoring mode to enable developers to fully control their experience.

Example use:
<ViroARScene onTrackingUpdated={this._trackingUpdated}> <ViroARPlane> <ViroBox position={[0, .5, 0]} /> </ViroARPlane> </ViroARScene>



string | string[]Determines what types of anchors the scene should return.

Currently supports the following values:
"None" | "PlanesHorizontal" | "PlanesVertical"


interface PointCloudOptions { // image used to represent each point imageSource: ImageSourcePropType; // scale of the image used for each point, the default is [.01,.01,.01] imageScale: [number, number, number]; // the max number of points drawn each frame maxPoints: number; }
boolean | pointCloudOptionsSetting this property to true draws the point cloud using a default configuration.

Setting this property to false disables the drawing of the point cloud.

This property can also take a dictionary of properties which enable point cloud drawing with the given pointCloudOptions.


<ViroARScene displayPointCloud={{ imageSource: require("./res/pointCloudPoint.png"), imageScale: [.02,.02,.02], maxPoints: 100 }} />


ViroDragPlaneWhen a drag type of "FixedToPlane" is given, dragging is limited to a user defined plane. The dragging behavior is then configured by this property (specified by a point on the plane and its normal vector). You can also limit the maximum distance the dragged object is allowed to travel away from the camera/controller (useful for situations where the user can drag an object towards infinity).


"FixedDistance" | "FixedToWorld" | "FixedDistanceOrigin" | "FixedToPlane"Determines the behavior of drag if onDrag is specified. The default value is "FixedDistance".

FixedDistance: Dragging is limited to a fixed radius around the user, dragged from the point at which the user has grabbed the geometry containing this draggable node

FixedDistanceOrigin: Dragging is limited to a fixed radius around the user, dragged from the point of this node's position in world space.

FixedToWorld: Dragging is based on intersection with real world objects. Available only in AR

FixedToPlane: Dragging is limited to a fixed plane around the user. The configuration of this plane is defined by the dragPlane property.


booleanWhen set to true, this control will ignore events and not prevent controls behind it from receiving event callbacks.

The default value is false.


(intensity, colorTempurature) => voidFunction that provides an estimate of the light intensity and color temperature.

intensity: a number representing the estimated intensity of the ambient light as detected by the camera

colorTemperature: a number representing the estimated colorTemperature of the ambient light as detected by the camera


(anchor) => voidCalled when the AR system finds an Anchor.

See Anchor.


(anchor) => voidCalled when the AR system detects changed properties of a previously found Anchor.

See Anchor.


() => voidCalled when the AR system detects that a previously found Anchor no longer exists

See Anchor.


{ "pointCloud": { "points" : [ [x, y, z, confidence], ... ], "identifiers": [ identifier1, identifier2, ... ] } }
(pointCloud) => voidThis callback will invoke whenever the point cloud is updated. pointCloud is a Javascript object containing the point cloud in the format above:

where: x, y, z - represents the x,y,z coordinates of the point in world space.

confidence - is a float value from 0 -> 1 that represents the confidence that the underlying system has for this point (Android only).

identifier - is a number that is unique to the corresponding point in the points array that allow the user to track points between point cloud updates (iOS only)


{ "hitTestResults": [ [ARHitTestResult1], [ARHitTestResult2], ... ], "cameraOrientation": { position: [x, y, z], rotation:[x, y, z], forward:[x, y, z], up[x, y, z] } }
If defined, a callback is invoked returning the camera position and orientation along with a set of hit results in an array consisting of ARHitTestResult objects. The hit test results correspond to the AR points found by the AR system defined by the ray shooting from the camera direction and position. This can be used to show a tracking plane placed in the world while the user moves or to inform the user of the confidence of the area being looked at.

If defined, this callback is invoked as often as possible in order to keep with the frame rate.

The above object structure is returned.

ARHitTestResult format found here.

cameraOrientation consists of position, the rotation of the camera in degrees, and the current forward and up vectors of the camera.


{ cameraTransform: { position : [posX, posY, posZ], rotation : [rotX, rotY, rotZ], forward : [forwardX, forwardY, forwardZ], up : [upX, upY, upZ], } }
(updateObj) => voidA callback invoked when the camera changes (at most, once per frame).

Returns the value as an object:

pos - position (in world coordinates) of the camera

rot - rotation (in world coordinates) of the camera in Euler angles (degrees).
forward - the forward vector of the camera (in world coordinates
up - the up vector of the camera (in world coordinates)


See ViroNode onClick.


See ViroNode onClickState.


See ViroNode onCollision.


See ViroNode onDrag.


See ViroNode onFuse.


See ViroNode onHover.


See ViroNode onPinch.


const handlePlatformUpdate = (platformInfo) => { const platform = platformInfo.vrPlatform; const headset = platformInfo.headset; const controller = platformInfo.controller; }
Callback method set to be notified of platform specific information like headset type or controller type.

Example Code:

Supported platforms: gvr, ovr-mobile
Supported Headsets: cardboard, daydream, gearvr
Supported Controllers: cardboard, daydream, gearvr


See ViroNode onRotate.


See ViroNode onScroll.


See ViroNode onSwipe.


See ViroNode onTouch.

onTrackingInitialized (deprecated)

WARN: This function will be deprecated in the upcoming release, in favor of onTrackingUpdated.

Function called when the AR system has properly initialized. The platform maintains a right-handed coordinate system, where the origin of the system is the user's location at the time AR tracking was initialized. The camera's forward vector is [0, 0, -1] and up vector is [0,1,0].


FunctionInvoked when the tracking state of the device changes. The tracking state indicates how well the device is able to track its position within the real world. Tracking state is subject to lighting conditions, the speed at which the device is moving, and other environmental factors.

Tracking states include:

TRACKING_UNAVAILABLE (1): Tracking is unavailable: the camera's position in the world is not known.

TRACKING_LIMITED (2): Tracking is available, but the camera's position in the world may be inaccurate and should not be used with confidence.

TRACKING_NORMAL (3): Camera position tracking is providing optimal results.

For iOS, a possible diagnosis for limited tracking quality is provided in the second parameter: "reason". These states include:

TRACKING_REASON_NONE (1): The current tracking state is not limited.

TRACKING_REASON_EXCESSIVE_MOTION (2): The device is moving too fast for accurate position tracking.

TRACKING_REASON_INSUFFICIENT_FEATURES (3) The scene visible to the camera does not contain enough distinguishable features for optimal position tracking.

Sample code: (Note that we use ViroConstants to properly compare different tracked states):

const handleTrackingUpdated = (state, reason) => { if (state == ViroConstants.TRACKING_NORMAL) { // Show my AR Scene experience } else if (state == ViroConstants.TRACKING_NONE) { // Prompt user to move phone around } }


string[]Specifies which post-process effects to enable. Refer to Post-Process Effects for more information.


interface PhysicsWorld { // required gravity: number[], drawBounds: boolean }
PhysicsWorld (see above)Contains and processes the physics bodies of all viro controls that have been physics enabled in this scene. Environmental physics properties are also applied, like gravity.

gravity - A constant gravitational acceleration that is applied to all physics body objects in this scene. It is a vector in the terms of meters per second. Defaults to [0, -9.81, 0].

drawBounds - If true, renders the mesh representing the shape of all physics bodies in this scene.


Code Example:

soundRoom={{ size: {[2,2,2]}, wallMaterial: "acoustic_ceiling_tiles", ceilingMaterial: "glass_thin", floorMaterial: "concrete_block_coarse" }}
Describes the acoustic properties of the room around the user by allowing the developer to describe the room based on its dimensions and its surface properties. Note: This is not supported in Cardboard iOS.

List of soundRoom properties:

size - The 3D dimensions of the room.
wallMaterial - Sound Material for the four walls.
ceilingMaterial - Sound Material for the ceiling
floorMaterial - Sound Material for the floor

List of Supported Sound Materials:
acoustic_ceiling_tiles Acoustic ceiling tiles, absorbs most frequencies.
brick_bare - Bare brick, relatively reflective.
brick_painted - Painted brick
concrete_block_coarse - Coarse surface concrete block.
concrete_block_painted - Painted concrete block.
curtain_heavy - Heavy curtains.
fiber_glass_insulation - Fiber glass insulation.
glass_thin - Thin glass.
glass_thick - Thick glass.
grass - Grass.
linoleum_on_concrete - Linoleum on concrete.
marble - Marble.
metal - Galvanized sheet metal.
parquet_on_concrete - Wooden parquet on concrete.
plaster_rough - Rough plaster surface.
plaster_smooth - Smooth plaster surface.
plywood_panel - Plywood panel
polished_concrete_or_tile - Polished concrete or tile surface.
sheet_rock - Sheet rock
transparent - Acoustically transparent material, reflects no sound.
water_or_ice_surface - Surface of water or ice.
wood_ceiling - Wooden ceiling.
wood_panel - Wood paneling.


[number, number, number]The rotation of the component around it's local axis specified as Euler angles [x, y, z]. Units for each angle are specified in degrees.




PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string)Put the PropType Description here.


async findCollisionsWithRayAsync(from: number[], to: number[], closest: boolean, viroTag: string)

This function is used to find collisions between physics bodies and a line emanating from the given from position to the to position. Collided components have their onCollision callbacks invoked.


from: the origin position of the line||to|the end position of the line
closest: if true, only the first object intersected by the line (determined by closest distance to the origin) receives the onCollision callback
viroTag: the string tag passed to collided components' onCollision callbacks


returns true/false whether or not a collision was detected

async findCollisionsWithShapeAsync(from: number[], to: number[], shapeString: string, shapeParam: object, viroTag: string)

This function is used to find collisions between physics bodies and the given shape moving from the given from position to the to position. Collided components have their onCollision callbacks invoked.

If the from and to positions are the same, then this function invokes the onCollision callbacks of all components within the given shape.


from: the origin position of the line
to: the end position of the line
shapeString: the name of the shape to use in this test
shapeParam: the configuration of the shape used in this collision test
viroTag: the string tag passed to collided components' onCollision callbacks


true/false whether or not a collision was detected|

async getCameraOrientationAsync()

This function is used to fetch the current Camera's orientation.


an object that contains the camera's position, rotation, forward vector and up vector as number arrays

async performARHitTestWithRay(ray: number[])

This function performs a AR system-backed hit test with the given ray from the camera's position outward.


returns an array of ARHitTestResult corresponding to the AR points found by the AR system along the ray.

async performARHitTestWithPosition(position: number[])

This function performs an AR system-backed hit test with the ray from the camera to the given position.


returns an array of ARHitTestResult corresponding to the AR points found by the AR system along the ray.

async performARHitTestWithPoint(x: number, y: number)

This function performs an AR system-backed hit test with the given 2D screen coordinates in pixels. You may need to scale the x and y position by the pixel ratio to get the correct result:

For example:

performARHitTestWithPoint(evt.nativeEvent.locationX * PixelRatio.get(), evt.nativeEvent.locationX * PixelRatio.get())


returns an array of ARHitTestResult corresponding to the AR points found by the AR system along the ray.


These are the individual objects in the array of ARHitTestResults returned by the two performARHitTest... functions.

interface ArHitTestResult { type: string, transform: { position: number[], rotation: number[], scale: number[] } }
type"ExistingPlaneUsingExtent" | "ExistingPlane" | "EstimatedHorizontalPlane" | "FeaturePoint"The type of point returned.
transformobjectThe transform of the point. Contains the following keys: position, rotation, scale as arrays of numbers.


This is the object given to the developer through the onAnchorFound, onAnchorUpdated and onAnchorRemoved callback functions.

anchorIdstringId of the anchor
typestringtype of the anchor
positionarrayOf(number)Position of the anchor in world coordinates.
rotationarrayOf(number)Rotation of the rotation of the anchor in degrees.
center (ViroARPlane only)arrayOf(number)Center of the plane relative to the plane's position.
alignment (ViroARPlane only)stringThe plane alignment, one of the following values:"horizontal" - iOS only"HorizontalDownwards" - Android only"HorizontalUpwards" - Android only"NonHorizontal" - Android only
width (ViroARPlane only)numberCurrent width of the attached plane
height (ViroARPlane only)numberCurrent height of the attached plane
verticesarrayOf(arrayOf(number))An array of 3D points representing the vertices along the boundary of a polygonal plane for thisViroARPlane. Although the contents of this property consist of 3D points, the represented polygonal plane is always two-dimensional, and is always positioned in only the x and z axis. This points are always placed relative to the ViroARPlane's center transform.
trackingMethod (ViroARImageMarker & Android only)Android only**String**The current tracking method used to keep track of the Image Marker Anchor. It can be one of the following values:"notTracking" - image marker hasn't yet been found"tracking" - image marker is actively being tracked"lastKnownPose" - image marker isn't currently being tracked but instead rendered based on its last known pose

Post-Process Effects

grayscaleAn effect where the resulting image is in black and white.
sepiaAn effect where the resulting image has a dark reddish-brown pigment color effect on it.
sincityA sin-city like effect where the resulting image is in black and white, except for places where there is saturated red colors.
baralleldistortionA fish-eye-like effect where the fish eye lens distortion becomes more pronounce towards the center of the image.
pincushiondistortionA cushioning effect where the resulting image is "pinched" into the center.
thermalvisionA coloring effect where the resulting image gives of a "radiant heat" look from a thermal sensor.
crosshatchAn effect where the resulting image is made up of tiny crossed lines that recreates the scene.
pixelatedAn effect where the resulting image is pixelized.