


This component has been deprecated. The documentation will not be updated and may be inaccurate. This component will be removed in a future release.


ViroAnimatedComponent is DEPRECATED in Viro 2.0.0+

Use the animation property on the individual components.

Refer to the Develop Animation guide for more information.

A ViroAnimatedComponent contains as a child a component on which it is set to animate. A ViroAnimatedComponent can have only 1 child to animate. See our Animation Guide for more information on animation.

Example use:
<ViroAnimatedComponent animation="rotateAroundYAxis" delay={1000} loop={true} onStart={this._onStart} onFinish={this._onFinish} run={true} > <Viro3DObject source={require("./res/skeleton.obj")} position={[-0.0, -5.5, -1.15]} materials={["skeleton"]} /> </ViroAnimatedComponent>;


Optional Props

animationPropTypes.stringThe name of the animation.
delayPropTypes.numberThe delay in milliseconds to apply before executing the specified animation.
loopPropTypes.boolTrue if the animation should loop. Set to false by default.
onFinishPropTypes.funcCallback invoked when the animation has finished. If loop is set to true, this is invoked every time the animation loops.
onStartPropTypes.funcCallback invoked when the animation has started. If loop is set to true, this is invoked every time the animation loops.
runPropTypes.boolSet to true to start the animation. If you set to false, this will pause the animation. The default value is true.